The emphasis is on learning through play, slowly introducing more structured activities, based around the children’s interests. The Children independently choose resources such as: arts and crafts, messy play, construction, role play, games, jigsaws, modelling with malleable resources such as: clay, listening to stories, baking, exploring sand and water play, mark making, song time and outdoor play. Staff support the Children to become more independent through self-help skills such as: putting on their own coat and shoes, helping to set up the beds ready for nap time, washing their hands and brushing their teeth after lunch.

At our recent Inspection (January 2022), Ofsted said….
"Respect and manners"
"Learning opportunities are expertly interwoven throughout the daily routine. Toddlers learn about respect and manners when they are 'special helpers'. They help to serve meals, remind their friends to say 'thank you' and help hand out their shoes after sleep time”.
"Children feel proud"
"Staff provide children with the praise and encouragement they need to help them to succeed. Staff recognise children's unique characters and nurture their specific skills and talents. Children get a sticker to highlight their special efforts and successes. Children feel proud about their achievements, believe in themselves and continue to try their best."

The Poppies have direct access to two own outdoor play areas with various learning and development opportunities such as: investigating the bug hotels, using natural resources to make potions and mud pies, constructing in our outdoor builders yard and developing their gross motor skills on navigating the climbing frame.